Saturday, September 27, 2014

Me as Communicator

This week I evaluated myself on the Communication Anxiety Inventory, Verbal Aggressiveness Inventory, and the Listening Styles Profile.  My results did not seem too surprising to me.  On the Communication Inventory, I scored a 42 which put me at the mild level.  This seems correct to me as I do not put much thought and worry into communication.  The Verbal Aggressiveness Scale rated a 63, putting me at moderate with a good balance.  Lastly, the Listening Scale rated me at Group 1 or people-oriented.

When I consulted both my colleague as well as my husband, they both scored me at similar levels on the listening scale and the communication scale, however the verbal aggressiveness scale was surprising.  My colleague rated me at a 43, or low level.  She mentioned that she found me to be quite easy going, non-confrontational, and very kind.  My husband, however, rated me at a 74, placing me at the significant level.

This exercise was eye opening to me in that I feel that I may be easy going and non-confrontational in the workplace, however at home with my significant other, I am considerably more aggressive. While I am glad that I am perceived as easy going and personable in my profession, I am a bit sharp in my personal life and I need to be a little mindful of this.


  1. Karen,
    I too was surprised by some of the scores I received when others rated me, especially the aggressiveness scale. My aggressiveness score (59) was almost identical to what my husband scored me as (58); however, my friend scored me at a 70, which really floored me. Additionally, my husband and my friend scored me low on the anxiety scale, yet I scored myself as moderate level of anxiety. It was quite eye-opening to see the similarities and differences of my own perspective and that of others. I enjoyed comparing our information--thanks for sharing! :)


  2. Karen,
    I was surprised by the scores of the two people that I chose. I chose a colleague and my sister. I thought I communicated well and according to them I need some work on my communication. This exercise was an eye opener and it made look at myself differently.


  3. Karen,

    I am finding through many blogs that many of us have had similar results in that our personal lives are scored differently than our professional. As I think about this I was very perplexed. I have heard often that we treat the ones we love worse then the ones we don't know. I keep thinking how odd that is, BUT, I do know that we never want people outside our circle to see our flaws even our deepest desires. We are most comfortable in our own skin in front of our family of whom are supposed to love us unconditionally which is why we are rated so differently by them.
