Saturday, January 18, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Relationships have helped to shape the person I am today.  I saw this poem many years ago, and as I get older, the more i understand this poem.  The people listed in this post are near and dear to me and will always have a special place in my heart for the role they play within my life.
First and foremost, I have a special relationship with my Lord, My God. While I am not an extremely religious person, I do see his blessings in my life on a daily basis.
 My husband...while we have had our share of good and not so good times, I have learned so much about life and love within this relationship.
 My children...being a Mom has got to be the best relationship.  This relationship has taught me so much, especially to care and love unconditionally for another.
 My co-worker and great friend.  We were brought together through the workplace and have grown to have a wonderful bond and friendship.  This relationship has brought me through places in my life that were both positive and negative and has truly evolved into a true friendship.

Last but not least, my children at school (not pictured due to confidentiality). The relationships I form with my children is priceless.  They leave marks on my heart that only another teacher could understand.  I really think of my children when I read this poem I opened my blog with, because they really do fit for the "reason", "season", or "lifetime".