Saturday, January 18, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Relationships have helped to shape the person I am today.  I saw this poem many years ago, and as I get older, the more i understand this poem.  The people listed in this post are near and dear to me and will always have a special place in my heart for the role they play within my life.
First and foremost, I have a special relationship with my Lord, My God. While I am not an extremely religious person, I do see his blessings in my life on a daily basis.
 My husband...while we have had our share of good and not so good times, I have learned so much about life and love within this relationship.
 My children...being a Mom has got to be the best relationship.  This relationship has taught me so much, especially to care and love unconditionally for another.
 My co-worker and great friend.  We were brought together through the workplace and have grown to have a wonderful bond and friendship.  This relationship has brought me through places in my life that were both positive and negative and has truly evolved into a true friendship.

Last but not least, my children at school (not pictured due to confidentiality). The relationships I form with my children is priceless.  They leave marks on my heart that only another teacher could understand.  I really think of my children when I read this poem I opened my blog with, because they really do fit for the "reason", "season", or "lifetime".


  1. Your relationships show full and wonderful life. I to feel that I relationship with the Lord is one of the most important that I can have and helps keep me centered in everything I do. I may not be intensely religously I do want to enure I am doing the right thing and I am showing everyone I meet the respect that they deserve. Family is always important we give what we put out into the world, giving good can only mean we will recieve that same goodness back.

  2. Hello Karen,

    I absolutely loved that poem and I believe that it is so true and we must realize that everything is not permanent and some things are only put in place for a season, but building on healthy relationships in many cases takes a lifetime. What I mean by this is we have to see through the bad traits of people and see them for what they are truly worth. We need to take a step back and look deep within ourselves and see what we lack and were we can use replenishment and do not let that stop us from letting a good, solid healthy relationship drift away.
