Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nonverbal Communication

The task this week was a little different for me as I do not watch much television.  I turned on the tv while cooking dinner and muted an episode of Judge Judy.  It started off with a woman taking another woman to court over something to do with a dog (I assume that because the woman suing had a little dog in court with her).  The woman doing the suing appeared very distraught during the explanation as she seemed to become emotional during the explanation, displayed by some crying and wiping of tears.  The defendant had a smuglike smirk and at one point the camera turned to Judge Judy and you could see that she appeared to me lecturing the defendant in a heated manner because her face was wearing a scowl and she was gesturing aggressively with her arms and hands.

Once I watched the show with sound I found out that the plaintiff was suing for damage done to her little dog by the neighbors dog which was running loose.  The defendant was not the least bit remorseful and this made Judge Judy very upset and she gave the defendant a lecture for being a negligent pet owner who was not taking responsibility for their pet.

My interpretation of the show was somewhat spot on, and I interpreted it fairly close to the actual story line.  I feel that because of the nature of the show, I was able to interpret without sound, however if it were an actual sitcom or a similar show with more story, I don't believe that I would have understood nearly as much.  Facial expression and body language can tell a story within itself and really does tell a story without necessary words.


  1. Hi Karen, I have watched Judge Judy in the past and she is always upset and you can tell in her facial expressions. She is very animated.

  2. Karen,
    I never would have thought about watching an episode of Judge Judy or another court show. I couldn't imagine how hard that would have been. You would obviously have known they were in an argument about one factor, however, to what extent would be the challenging thing. I agree with Latarsha and definitely feel you would be able to take a lot out of Judy's facial expressions, due to her animation. I agree with you and feel body language and facial expressions tell a whole lot about a conversation. I feel without body language or facial expressions conversions would be perceived a lot differently.
