Saturday, July 26, 2014

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

This week, the preschool summer program went to a children's museum for a class trip.  This museum  is located in Philadelphia and attracts many families as well as schools.  My children were exploring in one of the interactive displays, when I overheard a Mom to say to her young children "Lets go and come back back when those kids are gone, we don't associate with those type." I was appalled and really wanted to say "...and what type would that be, young children just like yours, or Hispanic children?"  Clearly I could tell by her body language that she was narrow minded and plain ignorant as she drowned them in hand sanitizer and scurried her children away.  

This is a prime example of microaggressions in our "modern" world.  I get disgusted at the lack of manners and downright evil attitudes that people of 2014 still possess.  We have come along way as far as the -isms of the world, however, we have a long way to go.  I do not understand why we cannot all at least practice respect and at the very least...tolerance.  Just for today I remained mute on my opinion because I was very busy with 15 preschoolers, and the lady should be thankful as I truly wanted to read her the riot act and point out her obvious flaws.


  1. Karen !

    Woah Nelly! I find what that woman did simply horrible! I find it unbelievable that there are people that still are predudice let alone say something so mean when the children could hear her! I am shocked that the other children's mother did not address her with a few choice words of her own! I hope you where able to make a comment to the group you were in charge of, something like how unkind her statement was. Microaggressions hurt and cuase harm to more than just the person that they are spoken to. Any child hearing that statement and not being corrected could assume that it is okay to behave that way.

    Jenn Pore`

  2. Karen,
    I was so upset to read that there is still ignorance in the world like this. I do not like to hear when people say those people. What does that mean actually? I was just talking to my brother who experienced microaggression from a close friend of his. His friend who is a white woman made a very conscious racist statement to him. My brother who is disabled, stated to his friend that on his way back home a young boy pointed at him and laughed. The young boy turned and told his mom that he looks funny. My brother was not upset with the child, but with the mother for not correcting her son's actions. He told his friend about the incident and she said what color was the little boy and my brother said why, what do that have to do with anything? She said that because white people don't act like that. My brother said well the little boy was white, she said I am shocked we usually don't act like that. I could not believe his friend said that. There is still blatant racism still in this world today.

  3. Karen,
    We have come a long way, but I find the road continues to grow longer. Humans are unpredictable and with all the different personalities, fixed beliefs, and bias we will continue to have to fight ignorance. We are now aware of the subtle microaggressions that transpire. We can make a difference.
