Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Family Culture

This week we are asked to put our-self into a situation where we experience country devastation and evacuation - what three things would you take?

 I would want to take so many precious things.  To pick three items, I would have to pick my family photo album, my memory box of priceless mementos, and my Ipad.  My photo album is full of pictures of my parents, my children, and my family.  My mementos are are memories of the past and events that have shaped my life and who I am.  My Ipad  houses so much information about me, including pictures of my important papers from my life and career (like a computer hard drive - compact).

Considering that this is a completely foreign land I would try and explain by body movements and survival sign language, to the best of my ability (a translator would be wonderful!).

I would be devastated of I had to give up two of my items and just keep one.  If time was not an issue, I would use my Ipad to take pictures of my photos in the album and my mementos, and choose the Ipad.  If there was no time for that to happen, I would have no choice but to keep my photo album, the photos mean so much to me.  I lost my Mother very suddenly right after I graduated from college and I had no chance to say goodbye, all I have are memories and pictures - this is my choice.

This was a very eye opening experience  and very thought provoking.  I hope in my lifetime that nothing such as this scenario comes into play, but if it did, I would need to  be prepared, maybe I should act accordingly?


  1. Karen,
    I also treasure my family photos!! If I didn't have all my family photos archived on the Internet, I too would have chosen my family photo album. This assignment was very thought-provoking to say the least. As I sorted through what was important to me in my mind, the deciding factor always came down to, can it be replaced. I did choose my camera as one of my items because of my love of photography and preserving family memories. I feel that the pictures along the way of this unfortunate journey would document our family history for generations to come. This assignment did make me contemplate that this imagined journey is the unfortunate reality for many people around the world, which really put my life into perspective. Thanks for sharing your imagined journey with the rest of us. :)

  2. Photos are so important to me too. I appreciated your thinking about taking photos with your IPAD! I am seeing a lot of our peers loving pictures and photography. I believe that pictures are important to so many because pictures last longer than people. I know that is harsh to say but true.

    On a side have an addiction to your apple product! :)

    I post most of my pictures on facebook for family that lives far to see but also as a backup for my photos. That is another was to keep you addiction, your iPad, and your photos.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. I thought it was an interesting assignment also, I also found it hard to think of what to bring in relation to culture. I see that alot of us thought of bring our electronic devices.

  4. Lol...My name is Karen and I am an Ipad addict! that hurts to say that actually, because i never thought I would be so dependent on a machine!

  5. Karen,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I think that holding on to your family pictures is very important. Memories are all we have of love ones and of events that we have been through. I chose family photos as well. I do not want to forget my family and I want to be able to look at their pictures and remember the good times. I also agree with you that I hope that nothing like this ever happens because I am so unprepared and I would want to take everything including the kitchen sink, LOL!

  6. It appears that photos are near and dear to many of our hearts, especially when it comes to those we no longer have with us. I must admit, I never thought about bringing any electronics along for fear of not having the capability to recharge them if necessary. Isn't it strange how my mind automatically thought of the worst case scenario in being forced to live in a foreign country with only one change of clothes and 3 precious items that I may or may not get to keep......Hmmmm?
