Saturday, June 28, 2014

When I Think of Research...

What insights have I gained about research from taking this course?
My biggest understanding was learning how to read research articles.  This was a very tedious task for me over the past few courses, and this concept has made the task much easier.

In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
I realize that what I do on a daily basis within my own classroom is research, just on a much smaller scale.  I feel that I have a better understanding of the research process, and while it was struggle, I feel that I am somewhat more proficient in the area than I was.

What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?  Like I stated, I have come to the realization that I conduct research in the field on a daily basis, just on a much smaller scale.

What were some of the challenges you encountered - and in what ways did you meet them?
I have never put too much thought into research or being a researcher, however, I feel that I have gained a better understanding of research and the process.  I found this semester to be quite stressful foe a couple reasons.  First, I have a very limited interest in research.  Second, I had many unexpected events within my family life that were very tie consuming, which took my attention away from this course.  Lastly, timing was very inopportune in reference to work.  The last marking period is very daunting during this time, and I was consumed with finalizing assessment and grading for the school year.  I want to thank my colleagues because I did not feel like I was alone in this task, and truly learned  a lot from our discussion interactions and blogging. Thanks loads!!!

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course? 
I have a greater respect for researchers in the field and their contributions, for this is not an easy accomplishment.  There is an abundance of patience, perseverance, and ambition to be a researcher.  

Again, good luck to my fellow classmates, and I hope to cross paths with each of you again in future endeavors!


  1. This could be a very long course without any interest in research. I never thought I would have any interest, but after this course I think that I might. However, I would be nervous that a single topic wouldn't hold my interest for such a long period of time. I think it is a good start for us to realize that we can implement our knowledge of research in our classrooms as well as use it to decipher other research journals needed for further learning. Good Luck in all you do and have a great summer!

  2. Hello Karen,

    This was an intense course that gave a lot of information. I thought I knew everything there was to know about research methods, but this course taught me so much more. I had the toughest challenge with creating the proper research question. It took me a lot of trial and error and feedback from Dr. Ferrari, and on about the fifth try, I finally got a question that made sense and captured what I was trying to convey. Dr. Ferrari really pushed me to think outside of the scope and go above and beyond the norm. This course helped me in so many ways. Like you, I have gained such an amazing appreciation about research and the individuals who conduct it everyday. I wish you the best of luck on your future courses, Karen!

  3. Karen,

    Great assessment of the course, thank you for sharing how your perceptions of research and its process have changed. In the beginning of this class my apprehension and fears were high , however as the class has progressed I have felt my understanding growing as well.
