Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

The website that I find to be very helpful, and full of current  and relevant information is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at  I utilize this website quite often, as it is very user friendly.  There is a search bar where you can put in a search word and it will bring up several hits of information.  I utilize information on the site from health concerns to English Language Learners.  Recently, I utilized the site for a wealth of information on poverty, child hunger, and homelessness.  The resources located within the website are based upon all different viewpoints of different topics, and provides both pro and con views of the issues at hand.  

I recommend this website to anyone who may be searching for issues or trends in education or the area concerning children and families.  There is a wealth of information relevant to education professionals as well as parents and caretakers.  


  1. Hi Karen,

    Wow! Thanks for the website. I put in different areas for children concerns and a host of information came up. I am going to take this website address to work on Monday and share it with our director and co-workers. One thing we can say about the early childhood field is that we never stop learning new and effective information through sharing tools and resources to help young children.
    Thanks again Karen

  2. Karen,
    I like how your website resources provides links to other websites that were specific to an issue or trend. For instance, under the safety tab I found links that offered support for child abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, and teen violence. Additionally, under the nutrition tab I found relevant link to the USDA's website, which offers a vast amount of information relating to nutrition and health. I can see why this website is one of your go-to sources as an early childhood professional. Thanks for sharing,

  3. Karen,

    I looked up this web-site and love it. I have placed it in my resource file. Being able to use this for parents who do not understand many health issues is in itself worth a pot of gold. Especially new parents who still want to hang on to giving their toddler stage one baby food when the child is already 1year and 4 months old. This site will be very helpful when approaching these parents. Thanks for sharing I will use this in the near future.

  4. Great Resource and I also was able to get alot of information to add to my resource center for my parents.
    Thanks for sharing.
