Saturday, October 5, 2013

Resources for Early Childhood Professionals and Families
Resources Obtained From Walden University

World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Association for Childhood Education International
National Association for the Education of Young Children
The Division for Early Childhood
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Harvard Education Letter
FPG Child Development Institute
Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference
Children's Defense Fund
Center for Child Care Workforce
Council for Exceptional Children
Institute for Women's Policy Research
National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education
National Child Care Association
National Institute for Early Education Research
Voices for America's Children
The Erikson Institute

Additional Websites of Interest
compiled from years of experience and great minds in the field

Early Childhood Educators and Family Web Corner
Have a questions regarding young children or Early Childhood Education? This is the
place to go. Great teacher pages (including lessons, activities, educational links, etc.)
and family pages (parenting information, etc.). Good resource for links to sites for
information on young children with special needs as well as using technology with young

 Sunshine Online
Teacher Resources section has lots of good ideas for activities, lessons, and themes.
Nice computer learning section for young children. Websites to schools around the world
including the U.S. and 5 other countries (suggestions—Start a “Web Pals”
correspondence with another class—Connect with another teacher with a class similar to
your for activity ideas, support, etc.).

Preschool Teacher
A website where teachers of Pre-K and Kindergarten students can go to for ideas for
curriculums, lesson plans, themes, activities. Teachers are encouraged to
contribute/share ideas on this site.

Nice site for parents and teachers. Lots of articles on a variety of issues regarding young
children. Fun craft ideas. Great internet links for parents, teachers, and kids. If you have a question or want to share one of your ideas, go to Sharing Boards. Join their mailing
list to receive the latest ECE news and ideas.

Hall of Early Childhood Education
Great resources for teachers, parents, and kids---lots of links!

The Idea Box
Hundreds of activity ideas, games, crafts, songs, recipes, etc. for young children. You
will also find coloring pages, online stories, links for children and adults, message boards
for parents and teachers, etc.

Early Childhood Today
Lesson plans and reproducibles for many subject areas can be found at this site. A
parent Send Home Activities section is included, as well as activities section for kids and
their parents, and online activities.

Resources for Early Childhood Special Education
Great sit for educators and parents of young special needs children. Great teaching
ideas, web links, information on disabilities, technology resources (including AT –
Assistive Technology), software recommendations, etc.

The Perpetual Preschool
A good source for curriculum, activity, songs, and book ideas. Go to the ECE Web Guide
for articles on Early Childhood Education, including special needs. Need a break from
ECE? Want a little fun? Play trivia games at the teacher “break” area. This site also
offers online classes for educators. Tuition is $25.00.

 Early Childhood Ed. Online
Various articles dealing with young children can be found here. You can also find several
web links to curriculum ideas, advocacy information, and professional development

Family Education
Great articles, activity ideas, internet tips for teachers (including special needs) can be
found at this site. Good parenting articles also. Up-to-date health articles from Dr. C.
Everett Koop.

 A World of Kindergartens
Kindergarten teachers from around the world collaborate to make this website. This site
includes great activities, resources, and personal insights from teachers. A great place to
go if you need suggestions from teachers in similar teaching situations. You can get lots
of support from preschool, kindergarten, and primary teachers from around the world

Parents as Teachers


These are great resources for all involved with young children…all ideas, opinions, additions, etc. are welcomed!


  1. You've chosen some great resources and they were every insightful. Some of the resources for class this week I chose as well. The personal websites of interest you chose had great things on them and some of the sites I will recommend to my co-workers.

  2. Karen,

    I really like your resources. I am going to explore the Idea Box and the Perpetual Preschool more. I am always looking for new resources for activities so I do not fall back on the same activities time after time.

    Thank you for sharing these additional resources!
