Saturday, June 28, 2014

When I Think of Research...

What insights have I gained about research from taking this course?
My biggest understanding was learning how to read research articles.  This was a very tedious task for me over the past few courses, and this concept has made the task much easier.

In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
I realize that what I do on a daily basis within my own classroom is research, just on a much smaller scale.  I feel that I have a better understanding of the research process, and while it was struggle, I feel that I am somewhat more proficient in the area than I was.

What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?  Like I stated, I have come to the realization that I conduct research in the field on a daily basis, just on a much smaller scale.

What were some of the challenges you encountered - and in what ways did you meet them?
I have never put too much thought into research or being a researcher, however, I feel that I have gained a better understanding of research and the process.  I found this semester to be quite stressful foe a couple reasons.  First, I have a very limited interest in research.  Second, I had many unexpected events within my family life that were very tie consuming, which took my attention away from this course.  Lastly, timing was very inopportune in reference to work.  The last marking period is very daunting during this time, and I was consumed with finalizing assessment and grading for the school year.  I want to thank my colleagues because I did not feel like I was alone in this task, and truly learned  a lot from our discussion interactions and blogging. Thanks loads!!!

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course? 
I have a greater respect for researchers in the field and their contributions, for this is not an easy accomplishment.  There is an abundance of patience, perseverance, and ambition to be a researcher.  

Again, good luck to my fellow classmates, and I hope to cross paths with each of you again in future endeavors!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Research Around The World

This week  explored the international early childhood website, Early Childhood Australia.  I chose this website because it is very similar to the NAEYC website, and is very user friendly.  The site contained a wealth of information, as well as some very informative links.

I was very surprised to see that many of the main issues on the website were ones that are priority in the United States as well.  Topics such as preschool funding, best practices, and professional partnerships are some of the most current topics of interest.

They have a publication on the website called "Voice" and it was obtainable while exploring the cite.  One of the more recent issues had a small article on the Early Childhood Flexibility Practices and Patterns Project in Australia.  I found this to be of great interest to me because this is something that I feel is lacking in my own local early childhood sector.  I believe that if we were to establish a similar program, this would be a fundamental benefit to our families.

I encourage my classmates and colleagues to explore this website as well, as I feel that it is truly noteworthy and has a wealth of valid information for the field of early childhood.
About Early Childhood Australia