Thursday, September 12, 2013

Community Cleanup Walk

Today, myself, my IA, and my preschoolers went for a walk to clean up the neighboring park.  Once we returned from the walk, the children drew pictures and allowed us to write their words on their artwork.  This is an example of one the pictures.  This child is a returning preschooler and loves to draw and tell stories.


  1. Karen,

    I enjoy that you guys document what the children say the picture represents. I believe it shows how great the child's imagination is and allows the parents to see how their child can express themselves. There were many days when parents could not believe some of the stories their toddler could tell us when they were doing artwork. This is something I am going to start using on my toddler class art work.


    1. I always like to ask if its ok to write on their artwork first, and they usually enjoy their own words published on their artwork.

  2. Karen,
    I also like to ask permission to dictate on a child's art work. I believe that when you ask for permission and accurately dictate their words it displays a great level of respect for them as individuals. I have a binder I have kept over the years that is full of illustrations from children that have passed through my program. I do my best to have the artist sign their work and date it, but I do have several anonymous pieces in my collection. I hope to have it bound in a hard cover as a keepsake worth more than its weight in gold.
