Saturday, May 17, 2014

Personal Research Journey

The topic that I have chosen for my research is language development in preschool children.  I have chose this topic because language development is an integral part of my curriculum and classroom.  So much of everything I do within my classroom revolves around this concert, and I find the topic amazing.  I love to see the progress children make when they discover letter sounds and then start to show progress in making strings of letter sounds.  This is the very early stages of reading and it is truly magical.

Upon entering this research course, I was quite intimidated and truly frightened of the entire process.  After the first week, and realizing that I am not alone, I am excited for this journey.  Dr. Ferrari has made it known that this is an introductory course, and I am now looking forward to the bones of research and understanding even more.  I know that this course will be beneficial to me in so many ways, not just in my Walden experience, but also in my career.

I welcome any and all information that my colleagues wish to share.  I am a fan of both the course discussions and the blogging, as they both provide a wealth of information from classmates who may have differing perspectives and fresh ideas.  


  1. I can't wait to see what you come up with in language development, it is always amazing to watch children develop through their use of language. Through my work have a language rich environment as well from music to conversation. Good Luck!

  2. Karen,
    I look forward to following your journey, as language development also coincides with my topic of cultural competency. As a monolingual teacher in a bilingual classroom, language is a huge factor to consider. And a very frustrating one when you are trying to support the needs of all of your students in the classroom. If you have any advice or relevant resources you would like to share, I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy your adventure in research!!
