Saturday, May 24, 2014

Research that Benefits Children and Families - Uplifting Stories

There are positive effects of research on children and one of those research studies has impacted my profession.   The research I am speaking of consists of  a culmination of an Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study : Fifth Grade Follow-Up in 2013.  This was a multi-year research study of New Jersey's Abbott Preschool Program which showed significant gains in those communities which participated in the preschool program, and significant gains in literacy, math, and science through 4th and 5th grade.  Abbott districts are school districts in New Jersey that were created as a result of a ruling in Abbott vs. Burke.  The ruling from the case asserted that education within certain poor communities were unconstitutionally substandard.
I am an Abbott Preschool teacher in the Camden City School District, and this research study has helped to support the fact that we are making a difference with our children and their education.  This study has had a positive effect upon the children and families of not only my district, but 30 other Abbott districts in New Jersey.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Personal Research Journey

The topic that I have chosen for my research is language development in preschool children.  I have chose this topic because language development is an integral part of my curriculum and classroom.  So much of everything I do within my classroom revolves around this concert, and I find the topic amazing.  I love to see the progress children make when they discover letter sounds and then start to show progress in making strings of letter sounds.  This is the very early stages of reading and it is truly magical.

Upon entering this research course, I was quite intimidated and truly frightened of the entire process.  After the first week, and realizing that I am not alone, I am excited for this journey.  Dr. Ferrari has made it known that this is an introductory course, and I am now looking forward to the bones of research and understanding even more.  I know that this course will be beneficial to me in so many ways, not just in my Walden experience, but also in my career.

I welcome any and all information that my colleagues wish to share.  I am a fan of both the course discussions and the blogging, as they both provide a wealth of information from classmates who may have differing perspectives and fresh ideas.